Friday, January 18, 2013

You couldn't do it....

Dear Dax Shepard.... You couldn't do it even if you wanted to.  

That is what I wish I could scream at his face.  I wish I could show him that what he says is stupid and wrong.

In a recent story (read here) Dax Shepard made the stupid comment of
"We're giving the child up for adoption". 

 He and Kristen Bell are expecting.  When I read this I wanted to hurl, well that and hurl a brick at his head.  I can not tell you how many times someone has said to me "I don't know how you did it" or " I could never give my baby up for adoption".  To them I have just a few words....
I did not take the easy way out.  I fought, hard, for what I knew was right for my daughter and for what I knew was right for me.  I forced myself to have the strength I needed to in order to do what I did.  So to you who think... "I could never do that."  YOU ARE RIGHT!  You couldn't because you don't have the strength to "hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart."


heidi said...
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heidi said...

I came across your placement video somewhere... clicking around on the computer one day... I of course bawled my eyes out for what a wonderful story the pictures told. I had to "see" the rest of the story so I have read your complete blog and enjoyed every bit of it! It was like reading a book only now it is over-boo!
You are a wonderful writer and mother!
Bless you!!

Katelyn Krum Shaw said...

heidi, I'm so glad you were able to feel the joy that is my life (with regards to adoption). I often forget that I lived through some pretty amazing miracles. Maybe one day I'll actually publish my blog into a book...